This is a personal message from Papa God to you... I (Papa) am always adding to you like the nacre that makes the pearl. I am not pointing out your flaws and setbacks. I am covering them and renewing you. I am focused on what I am adding to you. I am forming you into My image. The more you abide, the more you become, just like a pearl. Stop looking at what “you” need to change... I will change you as you worship and enjoy Me. Can you really change yourself? No. That's right. Trust in My skills over yours.
Who makes the change, the pearl or the oyster? Who is the responsible party? Is it not both? So, let's break down the parts of responsibility... We (Papa, Son, & Holy Spirit), like the “oyster,” are covering you, reshaping you, and making you colorful. We are adding value to you continually. We are making you resilient and resistant to the enemy. Where once you were an easy target to him, you are now covered and shielded by our love and grace. We are building you so you won’t break. We've placed you into our safety; we are your refuge. We can see what you are becoming. You have a tendency to look from the inside out at your internal dilemma. We are looking from the outside in at who you are becoming! What we are doing on the outside, is taking care of your inside. Your self-pity and negative thoughts are no match for the “nacre” of our grace! Grace wins every time and always, always restores! So, let’s get back to responsibilities. What happens when a pearl removes itself from the oyster and tries to do things in its own strength? And what strength does a pearl have by itself? Does a pearl have any strength, or does that come only from the oyster? Who is in charge of making and producing the pearl? The oyster is. What happens when the pearl is removed from that precious place of abiding? The process stops. It stops growing. So it is with you. You limit yourself. You have chosen to only go so far. You yourself have limited your own value. Can you really add or increase the nacre on your life by yourself? Can you produce this nacre? What pride. Your own self-reliance will get you nowhere, just like the pearl without the oyster. You need Me and I delight in you; in making you, shaping you, and blessing you. Let Me choose the time of your revealing. Your responsibility is to simply abide, receive, and grow. It’s so simple, yet too simple for pride. Pride wants to take ownership for the development. It wants to take the full glory and credit. Pride never wants to admit that someone else made this fabulous pearl! It must control, dominate, hide the evidence, and force its way to the top spot of recognition and significance. Humility is what makes your pearl sparkle. Humility allows My light to shine on you. Make pride lay low and command it to go! Pride is of the enemy. He has always tried to steal my precious gems and cover their radiance and true identify with darkness. He hates the fact that he cannot create and so he tries to steal My pearls or stop their process of becoming great! He does this through pride. He convinces the pearls to believe that they don't need to abide in Me, “the oyster.” He paints them a pretty picture of the outside world and coaxes them through self-pity with lies about the current state they are in. He says, "Why do you want to live in the oyster? It's dark and musty, nobody knows your name, they can’t see your glory, and no one’s going to pay a price for something they can’t see! Come out into the real world," he says, "And I'll place you in settings where people will acknowledge you, sing your name, and praise your beauty. Come! Come! Stop living a boring, restricted life! Aren't you tired of not being your own boss? You're free with me! No more pain, no more practicing and rehearsing…I can see you're ready," he says, "Step out!" These are all lies from the enemy to coax you out of process. He wants to stop you from becoming great and full of glory for Me. He wants to clip you like a flower before you're fully bloomed. Once the pearl is removed, the process stops. That is his goal! Abide, abide, and remain in Me! Here is the challenge to your flesh. You believe that nothing is happening where you're at and that the real action is out in the world apart from the shell you're in right now. You feel confined and your vision is blurred for the time being. There are no mirrors inside the shell so you have trouble truly seeing how much you've grown. This is when your relationship and trust in Me is put to the test. You must choose to believe in My process, who I say I am, and that I am faithful to complete My promises. You must choose to remain without looking for an escape! You must learn how to stay put, allow, and receive everything I want to add to you. This takes patience. This takes much perseverance. This is asking you to live at a level of trust that contradicts all of the world’s ways. But trust Me, if I were to show you right now what I see when I look at you, you would truly be grateful. I want you to always know that your development has not been accomplished in your strength but in your surrender. Surrender to My process, My ways, and My grace. The time of your showing will surly come. It's closer than you're even aware of. When man comes looking for you, I want you to be found in Me. I am the sign of genuineness. I am what men are diving for. Without Me you would be lost at the bottom of the sea, swallowed up by the shifting sands. Wouldn’t it be wise to assume that you're much safer in Me? I am your guarantee of authentic quality. There is no value found in plastic man made pearls. They are false, unauthentic, and perishable. What I have been doing in you is making you last for a lifetime, enhancing your quality, size and beauty. My pearls are My statements of the true, genuine, people of My kingdom. Those who have gone through My process and remained, will bring the change! They shall demonstrate My ways, shining forth as beacons of light, pointing the way to My throne. They shall cascade the glory of My Kingdom, and they will never be purchased by the enemy! They are a statement of My royalty, dignity, purity, and resilience. They bear My Name. The timing approaches. I am ready to reveal My pearls. What a statement it will be! The enemy thought he was winning, but little did he know I had a hidden agenda. All he saw were shells, and he overlooked My hidden pearls. He assumed he had already harvested all of them. My true church is about ready to emerge. What a sight it will be! What a change it will bring! I will demonstrate heaven on earth. These are My pearls in Christ! Received by: Amy Meyer
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