In a "Mac" nutshell, Lol! Our passion and heart for Hawaii were birthed from Papa God. It wasn't even on our grid until He awakened it within us. The appointed time came in 2001. You'll see the details below. God opened our Hearts, imparting His desire for the people and land, to see them prosper and flourish again. A desire to help partner with Hawaii's calling; to be a lighthouse of Heaven's culture and nature to the world. It burned within us. We could feel the hearts of the people. We longed to help restore their voice and purpose. They have experienced much hardship, poverty, and disrespect over the years, though still extending their aloha spirit of love and forgiveness. Later did we know that God would rest a call to Government one day in our hearts of leading and helping establish and reestablish heart-centered laws, business, and freedom back into the land. Eradicating poverty and bringing back a flourishing economy full of hope and honor. This is a process in the making and journey for sure.
In 1825, Queen Ke'opuolanifirst spoke Hawaii's Motto, "The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness" ("Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono")
Often through the years, we would wonder, "Why us, Lord!" Where "white!" An offense to many Hawaiians( those still holding unforgiveness of the betrayal of the US). Often time's we wanted to run from the call! We'd cry, "It would take 20 plus years to gain their trust!" He said this was going to be done by "His spirit"- In His true fashion! Against the odds of whites'natural prejudice in the culture due to the Annexation of America and its continued encroachments. Yet our hearts have always been to create a platform that echoes the Aloha Spirit, supporting their voice, bringing healing, restoration, and unity back into One family of God on the earth. Above politics, race, etc. Honoring the Hawaiians Calling and contribution to the world as a whole.
God has given us all a piece and an "instrument" to play. Aww, I could listen to Hawaiian music all day! There are insurmountable depth and wisdom underneath their singing hearts and a God-given anointing that heals spirit, soul, and land.
It's so far been a 20-year journey for us. Learning all along the way. God has given us incredible favor with the Hawaiian and locals, recognizing our spirits as "one of their own." As we feel one with them! God is faithful at His word. And so we continue forward watching and participating in this great unfolding He's called us too. Our desire is also to have an End of Effort Center and Hub on the Island. Teaching God's effortless ways in journeying with Him and our endeavors here on earth. Through all our love specialties and gifts to humanity.
Much of the Hawaii's culture is embedded in God's Nature and ways. Even before the missionaries came. History books and researches revealed writings of God himself and the angels coming and teaching them. Stating that the reason they believed the Missionaries were due to the same description and beliefs they had experienced of God before they came. Saying to themselves, "They teach the same God we believe in."
There is so much to learn from the Polynesians and locals of Aloha spirit -"The Breath of Life- God." "Living in Harmony"
Some stories and history along our journey in and out of Hawaii
2001-2021 and beyond
Where it all began...
Amy and I took a trip to the beach in Oregon for some much needed rest and relaxation. We were each walking and pray, listening to Papa God's heart for our life.
As I (John) was praying in the spirit, not to far into it, my usual prayer language shifted! Out of my mouth, came a language I'd never heard before. It surprised me! I immediately asked the Lord what language it was. He clearly responded "It's Polynesian." "I'm sending you to the Polynesian people soon!"
Now, I had no idea where "Polynesia" was! (That's how clueless I was about geography at the time). I responded to the Lord and asked Him where it was. He said "Go look on a map and I'll show you what I'm talking about". So after I walked the shore a little more, Amy & I went back to our hotel room and looked it up. Sure enough, Hawaii was at the tip of the Polynesian Triangle where God was highlighting the Polynesian people groups to us. Little did we know that it would be a few more years before we would actually be able to go and see this wonderful place so many have spoken of. But we allowed His words to cultivate in our heart, as we prepared to follow His leading in it.
2005 - The First Move...
A lot had taken place over the last 4 years in our lives. But to make a long story short, we were given permission by the Lord to pack our bags and spy out the land the Lord was calling us too. We sold just about everything, packed 4 BIG suitcases full of our things, plus a couple small boxes shipped and headed over to Kona, Hawaii! Papa allowed us to experience the people and the land to get a taste of what was yet to come. We remained for less than a year and then headed back to Oregon to regroup, process a little more (well, a whole lot more) and embrace the future and the coming of the year 2009.
2007 & 2009 - Living and working on Maui...
We had been thinking about Hawaii constantly through the years and praying about the timing of our return. We would constantly see signs and conversations would be drawn to us around Hawaii. 2007 proved to be the year where we were able to experience what another island was like. This time it was Maui. Oh how we connected with Maui! There was something special about this island and we just knew that God had something for us there. We didn't know it at the time, but God was giving us a sneak peek into His heart for a long term plan. We stayed in a nice little cabin past Haiku in Ulumalu. It took a bit to get too, as we winded through and down this narrow wet roads, full of potholes and jungle. What an experience! We lived there while as we continued looking for places to live, closer in. Again, it was another trip of spying out the land and getting acclimated to the ways of Hawaii.
We lived and worked on Maui for a season learning the ways of the people and the lay of the land. Each island has it's own personality. We were able to taste what business was like and we learned many lessons on this trip. God began to speak to us about establishing gatherings and training centers in the islands that would take people to new heights in Him and they wouldn't look like anything else we had ever seen. When it came time to leave the island we knew in our hearts that something long term would be established on Maui and beyond. Each time we came we thought we'd be staying permanently, but God was building something deeper, layer by layer. Sowing us in and out of the land. It was hard to leave each time! It felt as though our spirits were tearing, leaving. I (Amy) wept every time we left, going through a cycle of frustration, not understanding, grieving but then truly surrendering to trust His bigger plan. We knew it was God and that He would bring us back!
2009- We moved into the surfer town of Paia on Maui. We wanted to test out a small business concept we created called "Maui Frozanas" at the local farmers market. They were the local apple banana's, frozen and dipped in dark chocolate, covered with coconut, macnuts, and a dash of Hawaiian sea salt, with our secret chocolate sauce. They were a hit at the market! We designed our own booth and people were loving the product. It went well for a while, but We discovered we weren't making enough financially to make it a go long term. It was time to regroup and assess. Was this what we wanted to do long term, to make it work? We knew it wasn't our ultimate, but we were satisfied in accomplishing and creating something that was once a dream to try. We learned how the principles worked and came into play. Though we love creating businesses and concepts our real passion is speaking, writing, art, and cheering other in their dreams.
Thought we loved our nice upstair unit in Paia, This proved to be a time where we learned more about the culture, land and what island warfare was like, at a whole new level. Not only did we get to experience Hawaii principalities, but also island mindsets. The work proved to be very difficult and we found out quickly that the enemy was bound to try and keep us off the islands for good.
One night while staying in temporary housing we experienced something that was unlike anything we had experienced before. In the middle of the night we immediately awoke and felt a horribly dark presence fill the room. Amy & I both shot straight up out of bed and began to tell whatever it was to leave! (Little did we know, the house we were staying in was built in the middle of an ancient path to The Volcano called Haleakala.) In the spirit I could see a samurai looking being with armor on. He had his arms crossed standing at the end of our bed, in a stance to intimidate us, stating that he wasn't moving along with asking what we were doing here. We prayed and It finally left! I(Amy) woke up with chills in the morning so bad that I tried taking the hottest shower possible and still couldn't get warm enough! Finally it subsided!
That next morning we looked at one another saying, "What happened last night??" We figured out pretty quickly that we were on the radar in the spirit on the island. It didn't stop us though, that morning we began to pray and ask God what it all meant. It wasn't long and He began to speak to us saying, "I'm entrusting you Maui and the islands as your inheritance to steward and bless." Now, we know we're one among many called there. And we are all ONE in Him regardless. But, if you are called there you will definitely know it! Because every time you leave it pulls you back in almost relentless ways. The moment we would land back on the mainland the signs and witnesses would start! People would walk right by us, having a conversation about Hawaii. We'd see 808 everyday!(Hawaii's area code- which the Lord told us when we asked him what it meant. He said it's Hawaii calling you ,lol!) We'd see 808 on signs, clocks, bumperstickers, and license plates that would pull out right in front of us! We'd hit pause on a movie and it would stop at 808! People would call us from Hawaii and said oh, I'm sorry, I had the wrong number. People would walk right infant of us with Hawaii shirts, right as we were talking to God about Hawaii. People would give us gifts from Hawaii, not knowing we lived or had traveled there and the list goes on and on! God truly does use signs. But the greatest of all for us was a burning, loving ache in our guts/spirit every time we would think about Hawaii and the people! We didn't choose this. God imparted it and called us.
As I'm sure many can relate, no matter where you're called too, you'll need great courage and total dependency on God to stay the course. Hawaii, as beautiful as she is, can also really test you big time, with an intimidating front, and heightened spiritual atmosphere. Not to mention the centipedes and "B-52"-huge cockroaches, Lol! You learn to adapt, respect, and get along with nature in Hawaii, otherwise you won't last long. As the Hawaiians say. If you're called here, Hawaii will test you like the waves! Pumeling you against the lava rock underneath to see what your made of! We have experienced this in the spirit. Several time we were, "done!" But when God knits a place so strong in your spirit, you are compelled to get up over and over, no matter how many times it throws you, till you're up onto of the wave!
Our callings will definitely test and prove us worthy of them. Don't give up! Keep leaning into your best friend Jesus and continue to follow His steps, even when it doesn't make sense! You'll find your peace and reassurance in Him, even when you don't have the whole plan at hand. Keep saying yes, and allow Him to unfold it to you.
The Lord showed us a picture of a blood washed & redeemed Maui along with Hawaii as a whole. He loves these islands! They have quite a call and inheritance, to be a lighthouse to the world, modeling Heaven culture. Much of its call has been buried, oppressed, or deranged. Our heart have gone out for the people and all they have been through. For some there's still a strong underlining resentment, hidden under their friendliness. An internal war so to speak with their true Aloha spirit from God and the challenge to constantly forgive the disrespect, betrayal, and hurt of the past and even the current.
We remained working for a time in Maui and then returned to Oregon due to the company we worked for, needing our help. Although we were disappointed having to leave again, we knew we would eventually be back. Again, surrendering our "baby" so to speak and trusting God. That's what it felt like.
2011-2013 Between trips to Hawaii
It's important to note that Amy & I had made a couple of others trips with family members to Maui and Kauai in between these years for fun and relaxation. The Lord has interesting ways of having others glance into the future of what He will be doing in the lives of those he chooses for his purposes.
2013 &2014 - Princeville, Kauai
Wow! what a peaceful place! We were back in Kauai! No doubt one of those places that is unforgettable in beauty. The North Shore of Kauai is absolutely breathtaking and Amy & I love it!!! Once again God was letting us see more of the islands. We even got to meet the famous Big Surfer Laird Hamilton! (pic on the right- John & Laird)What a cool guys!
Each time we came to Hawaii, we packed as though to stay, but God seem to have different plans.
The night before my birthday Amy & I experienced an unusual amount of spiritual warfare. We had always been aware of the darkness surrounding the islands, but this time it was as if everything went up to level 10 in the spirit realm. (Each and every one of us will go through our own adversity and warfare concerning our calling and the territory assigned to us. Sometimes the journey gets long and our emotions get tired, but we know deep within that we cannot back down from what we've been shown. Gods ways are not our own soulish ways and He knows that it's a process in the trust category. Trusting that His way is always best and this particular trip to Kauai proved to be one of those times.) Long story short, Amy and I had somewhat of an emotional melt down and began crying out to God for answers. Sensing Him say it was not time yet to permanently stay. The answer didn't come that night, but it did come the next morning and it just happened to be on my birthday.
Amy and I woke the next morning and were still pondering what direction we should take. Should we stay and make a go of it this time and never look back? Or did God have a different plan? The message from a long time acquaintance would provide a little more insight as to what we were going through. Although our Facebook friend would provide some of those answers, we knew in our gut we needed to return to Bend, Oregon a short time after that phone call for more of Papa's plan.
We didn't know how we'd get back into Bend, Oregon. It's practically just as hard to get into a place as it is Hawaii. But when it's God, he always provides. John felt prompted to look on craigslist and came across an ad that stood out to him- looking for a temporary couple to rent our place while we travel. The Lord prompted him to call. Come to find out they were spirit-filled belivers involved with Bethel. Get this! It get's even better! The place they were traveling too, was their condo in Maui! We hit it off the bat with them! "But wait, there's more!" We discovered while talking with them that we had met their daughter at the Bethel Dream Conf. we attended! She had witnessed John being pulled up on stage and declared The call to be Govenor over Hawaii, as he stated his heart to eradicate poverty there! The crowd went wild, calling him Govenor and taking pics of us saying we just met the future govenors of Hawaii! As they posted it on their social networks! It was surreal! People prophesied over us and gave us contact information. One lady had a vision and saw King Kamehameha placing his robes and a lei over John, acknowledging the call! Even the Senator assistant of Ca. was there and prophesied and blessed us in regards to this.
Fast forward, the couple's daughter we were about to rent from, had witnessed it all and mentioned to us at that time, that we should meet her parents, who had a place in Hawaii. Well, leave it to the Lord to divinely connect your path! Within an hour we were connected and brought into our next stomping ground! We met with them when we arrived in Bend and shared our hearts and calling for Hawaii! It's amazing how the Lord works! Never limit Him to your reason and logic nor the rental market statistics, lol! He always has a higher path and backdoor waiting to lead you into. His ways are higher than ours!
2015 - It's time to leave it behind and get on the "boat"
October birthday. It's birthday time again and Amy and I knew God would speak once again. God usually speaks on my birthday and this time we were ready. We wanted to hear all that He had to say to us, because we had been getting download after download about Hawaii and the confirmations to return. God began to speak to us on the evening of my birthday through some friends and then powerfully through the night by way of a special song replaying in our spirits over and over again. The next morning Amy began to share with me how she had been hearing the song "Somewhere over the rainbow" by IZ, the late Hawaiian singer, in her spirit all night. With a somewhat surprised reaction I said, "No way! me too!".
Now, to give you a little background on this particular song. Approximately 6 months prior someone came up to us at a meeting and sang over us, that very song not realizing that it was specifically for Hawaii and the land the Lord was calling us to.
Another friend prophesied over us "Get in the boat! It's just stuff! leave it behind and get in the boat!"
In the middle of the night while Amy was getting this song in her spirit, she also heard the Lord say, "If you are willing to go to Hawaii this time I will back you all the way."
So, once again, we were obedient and began to prepare. Selling things, leaving our notice, and packing. We had a thousand dollars in our hands not knowing where the other amount we needed would come from, but we continued to thank the Lord and prepare. God prompted John to set up a Go-fund-me. He posted it on Facebook and out of the Blue a guy we had met one time on Kaui, whom we prophesied over, reached out to us and said the Lord prompted him to send us $5000! We were blown away!! We had our money to go and ship our car! The night before we left back to Kauai, one of our dear prophetic friends "Ronnie" made us an incredible dinner. Saying it was in honor of the future Govenors of Hawaii. He's a craftsman and said the Lord asked him to make three pegs and that we were to write our decrees on them over Hawaii and the call to goveknship and to push them into the ground when we got there as a prophetic act. It was powerful! We landed on Kauai and did just that! This trip was a recom-mission of the land. We received prophetic words about the many mantel that had been dropped and that God had called us to pick them up! We stayed and prayed there for three months and then were led to return to Bend for a time. Amazingly our little rental on Newport prior to the Bethel Couples place, which we had rented a few years back was now available and the Land lord rented it back to us! We stayed for a time and then God began moving us else wear.
2016 Was the year we met David and Shari
Received a download from the Lord through prayer for more of the blueprint Hawaii. We began revamping everything in light of what we were shown.
(Our dream is to own a house in Hawaii and one in Bend, Oregon to travel back and forth between the two. And possibly CA.)