Hawaii is a special place. For anyone who has ever visited or lived in Hawaii they know just how amazing it is. Over the years Amy and I have been to Hawaii many times and each time we have gone, another piece of our hearts was left on the shores of paradise. Somehow Hawaii has a way of working its way deep down into the soil of your heart in ways that other places do not. The islands are home to multi-cultural and multi-ethnic groups of people, and they have been set apart for God's purposes.
We are humbled and grateful that the Lord would chose us to go and spread His love amongst many others who have gone before us. Many prophesies have been spoken over Hawaii that pertain to the islands being a place of refuge, transformation, impartation, presence and the eyes of the world taking notice of what the Lord would bring forth from this jewel of a place. Having lived in Hawaii in the past we now understand why Papa God would choose such a place to display His glory and bring healing to many.
Amy and I have been going back and forth to Hawaii at the word of the Lord to become a part of that healing for the land and people. It has been a long journey and one we will try to convey to those who desire to know more about our calling there. Sometimes the journey doesn't always look like we had planned and we would have never thought that there would even be a call to Hawaii, but nonetheless we are grateful for the opportunity to serve the amazing people who call the islands home.
When we first learned about God's desire to send to us there we really had little desire to go more than once. No doubt we had always enjoyed sunny weather and tropical places, but initially the desire to live there at some point wasn't really on our radar at the time. But again, when God calls, He begins to plant His desire in our hearts in such a way that causes us to fall in love with things that we would never think possible.
Below you will see a timeline of our travels to and from Hawaii.
Hawaii Timeline 2001 - Where it all began. Read more
Hawaii Gatherings
Once you read the timeline about Hawaii you will get more of a glimpse into why we love Hawaii, and why we are invested into the land and the hearts of the people. Our plan is to hold Thriving Culture Events on the island of Maui to build strong relationships, talk about the what thriving cultures look like individually, as well as throughout society. We also discuss the journey, the process, identity and more.
Stay tuned for location, dates and times on our events calendar link for our Gatherings on Maui.